What a great episode of Lost. It was full of mystery and revelation, playing out the events of 1977 and setting up for the explosive finale in 2007. There were no traditional Lost flashbacks, and there was no central character of the episode. Also, the way little events are revealed as both cause and effect of each other continues, and brings to mind the phrase "Eddies in the space-time continuum!" Where the hell did that compass come from, anyway?!? And who is "The Leader" referred to in the title? Isn't everyone asking Richard to lead them some place in this episode?

Sawyer and Juliet have been really good lately, and were great in this episode. Sawyer's bargain to get off the Island was totally in line with the character, and I loved the "Good riddance" moment. I was terribly afraid it wasn't going to work though, and watched the scene of the two being handcuffed in the Galaga with a pit in my stomach. I was so afraid they would be double-crossed and killed, and imagine my surprise when in dropped Kate! I'm really digging the crazy love rhombus they've had going this season between these three and Jack. The tension has been great, and they just keep ratcheting it up. Sadly, this also means many more series of "smoldering glances" but hey, they're keeping it moving nicely.
Another thing I just loved was the stuff with Ellie Hawking in 1977. The first act with Eloise realizing what had just happened was moving, even heartbreaking. Of course the older Eloise Hawking knew so much about what would happen because she had the journal and met the Losties in 1977. Seems really weird to me that Ellie has no baby, though. Daniel was a Professor at Oxford in 1996. When was he born? Anyway, it also seems clear that Daniel's mathematics were used to design the Lamp Post and locate the Island. Eloise knew the whole crew would return to the Island 2007, even though she personally was unable to gather them. If they didn't return, then as she says "God help us all" because it would cause a paradox.
Speaking of paradoxes, Jack continues his doomed efforts to change the past and alter his future. It's fun to imagine how this will all play out, and I can think of a few scenarios.

What will be the nature of The Incident?
It could be that Jack sets off Jughead somehow, and combined with energy released from the Swan site some kind of electromagnetic pulse blasts the Island. This causes many deaths, results in the infertility problems, and bounces the Losties into 2007. That's why Richard thinks he "saw them all die." Another interesting possibility is that Jughead is actually walled into the cement room in the Swan and becomes the failsafe mechanism. Daniel's mathematics finally come into play in 2004 when John Locke decides not to press the button, and catastrophe is averted when Desmond turns the key. It has just the effect Daniel hoped, he was just trying to do it in the wrong time. Finally, it could be that Jughead is "what lies in the shadow of the statue". Jack can't figure out how to detonate the bomb, and while they're moving it Radzinsky drills into the Swan site, causing the Incident just as Jack emerges from the tunnels. The statue crumbles, burying the bomb and possibly killing Sayid. Ilana and Bram are looking for Jughead in 2007 in order to use it in the coming war. How will it play out next week?
The two hour finale "The Incident" airs next week. How many bombs will they drop on us? Will we see Jacob, and how much will we learn about his nature? Is that really John Locke? As Richard notes "he's changed". Will it come down to Locke and Jacob vs. Ben and Richard? Jacob and Richard vs. Locke and Widmore? Where does Christian Shephard fit in all this, and why does Richard Alpert never age? Are we seeing many "walking corpses", and will John stop aging too? Or are the dead bodies infused with another spirit? And what's with all the Egyptian references? Is Richard Alpert RA? And is the statue Taweret, deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth and does its destruction result in the problems on the Island? So many wonderful mysteries on this show! For now, check out the Lost statue, and a statue of Taweret and hold your breath for next week's exciting finale!!

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