Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Did Sam Raimi destroy Venom?

News all over the 'net today about an interview with Sam Raimi, to be published in May's Empire Magazine. MTV and io9 are quoting Raimi as saying, "there were different opinions on the third film and I didn't really have creative control, so to speak." So, we have Sam Raimi throwing Sony under the bus, "so to speak". But there's more.

Raimi appears to confirm the internet rumors that Sony shoe-horned Venom into the picture against his wishes.
"I don’t even want to comment on Venom, because I know he’s a great character and all the fans love him. I never want to say anything bad about a much-beloved character".

“The best way for me to move forward on films,” Raimi continued, “is that I’ve got to be the singular voice that makes the creative choices on the film.”

So, Sony was planning a massive spin-off akin to X-Men: Origins but instead Sam Raimi gave us Dancing Emo Peter and a truncated Venom arc that ends with the villain being vaporized on screen.

Is it possible that the crappy parts of Spiderman 3 were really a dig against the studio and producers who were trying to put their own stamp on Spidey? Could it be that Raimi was actually sabotaging what he saw as an intrusion on "his" series? God, I hope so. I'd given up on Spiderman after part 3. Here's hoping Raimi can get the series back on track!

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