Too early for April Fools? Variety reports today that MGM and the Farrelly Brothers have found one of their three stooges - Sean Penn is reportedly a lock. Negotiations are underway with Jim "Curly" Carrey and Benicio "Moe" Del Toro.
I just don't get it. Sure, "there are no new ideas" as the tired saying goes, but there's more to storytelling than simple regurgitation! Look at the success of comic book writers Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison. All take popular concepts and stir them together, resulting in something that engages a reader with familiarity but at the same time feels like a fresh story.
Hollywood has given up on fresh and new, instead settling for a tired, limp rehashing of once fond memories. With nothing but pointless remakes like Robocop and Predator on the horizon, I have to wonder where will the Robocops and Predators of the next generation come from?
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