Oh, and Charlie's brother had to travel to LA to try and find him, and the LAPD can't offer a single bit of assistance. That certainly filled in some gaps for me regarding the Pace family, thanks.
In Sawyer's sideways story, he is tense. His partner Miles has a plan to help him blow off some steam - a blind date with a hot redhead! Conveniently, this also gives him a chance to snoop on James and possibly find out what he was doing in Australia. Charlotte was acting crazy focused as she pawed through Sawyer's drawers - it seemed like she was looking for evidence. Seriously, either that or Rebecca Mader is a terrible actress - that was some frantic riffling! Check it:
The next day Miles comes blowing into the locker room and gives Sawyer a lecture about trust. James gets pissed and he punches a mirror. I thought this was all a bit overwrought.
Season six of Lost is giving us something of a "mirror universe" and it's preoccupied with mirrors and reflections. The producers intended to reflect the series, and particularly season one. For one thing, Damon Lindelof said, "Season six will feel a lot like season one. The focus comes back to the characters with whom we began." And the order of the flashbacks is similar. The flash sideways stories are all full of references to previous events on Lost. And every week we are treated to shot after shot of reflections.

It's becoming so repetitive, I want to scream "We're through the looking glass here people!!" It is interesting that the next line of that quote is, "White is black and black is white!" Hmmm...
Anyway, back to the good stuff. On the Island, Terry O'Quinn was nailing it. His scene talking about his mother was great. And as for trust, the Smoke Monster proved to be every bit as manipulative as Jacob. Though he told Richard that he would never leave his followers in the dark, he had only vague answers for some and misdirection for others.
First, he tells the Others he'll be available for questions soon, but you know, later. Let's just keep walking through the jungle in silence for now. And yes, that evil Smoke Monster killed the people at the Temple, but he's gone now - no need to worry!
Then, he tells Sawyer to go find the passengers of Ajira 316, but really he wants Sawyer to talk to Widmore. Widmore already knows who James Ford is - a con man. So, that can only mean one thing - while Sawyer is planning his double-double cross, to screw the Smoke Monster and take Widmore's submarine, Widmore is planning a triple cross! Maybe he's got Desmond behind that locked door? Notice how the guard went right for his gun when Sawyer touched the lock.

We're eight hours into the season, and we've still only seen series regular Henry Ian Cusick for about two minutes. Desmond will turn out to be a key player. Remember back in season three, the Desmond episode "Flashes Before Your Eyes"? There were a couple times it seemed as though Desmond "woke up" in his flashback, and realized he was in another time.
(On a side note - I literally watched "Flashes" on my feet in my living room, pacing about and occasionally exclaiming. It was that exciting. We could use a little more of that now, in the last season!)
Then, in season four's "The Constant" Desmond was able to remain conscious during his flash back to 1996, retaining some memories from 2004. Well, it would be silly if that never came back - as Daniel told Des, "You're uniquely special." I think Desmond will be the one to start the collapse of the sideways universe.
At some point later in the season, we'll see Desmond go wild. I think he remembers the "way things were meant to be" because his other life in the original time line "flashes before his eyes". He'll spend time visiting all the characters, and he'll finally turn out to be Daniel Faraday's constant. Faraday may even be a big help in reconciling the two universes, because his math was responsible for creating the sideways in the first place.
It may be as simple as reminding a few people that they had another life - we've seen several characters act as though they vaguely remember that something is up. Like in LA X, it seemed as though Kate remembered Jack - maybe in another life...
Anyway, that's all I got. As we get closer to the end, Lost seems less and less like the series that started back in 2004. All I can do is hold on to the end and trust that it will make some sense.
Next week, the one you've all been waiting for...Richard Alpert's flashback! We will learn some, but not all of the Island's history. I can't wait!
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