Now, it's worth mentioning that Caesar from Season 5 was also a recurring character. He only lasted 3 episodes before proving that "Dead is Dead" when Ben blasted him with a shotgun. Then there's Nikki and Paulo, who were briefly added to the main cast. Let's never speak of it again.
Anyway, Michael Ausiello confirmed on his blog that John Hawkes will play "Lennon". The casting notice read: "Lennon: Scruffy, edgy, charismatic, and slightly stir-crazy, Lennon can be deferential when it's called for. He's the spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation. He's a wily negotiator, and far more powerful than his lowly position would seem to indicate. Recurring."
As for Sanada, it's still up in the air. If I had to guess, I'd say Hiroyuki will play a young Mr. Paik, Sun's father and CEO of industrial manufacturing firm Paik Heavy Industries. It would make sense, as Lennon is the translator for "the president of a foreign corporation." I've long had a theory that Paik was involved in the construction of the DHARMA installations on the Island. WAaaay back in 2006 (!!) The Lost Experience revealed that Paik was working closely with the Hanso Foundation and the Widmore Corporation. I had always believed that it would be revealed that Sun's father had been to the Island, and helped design and build many of the hatches. To my disappointment, it never was revealed on the show.
The problem is that we've seen DHARMA in 1977. We've seen the construction of many of the hatches. And Damon has said we won't see much more DHARMA in season six. Also, the producers have said they're done with flashbacks and flashforwards. How could they fit in a young Mr. Paik visiting the Island??
Time will tell. Maybe season six will play out as Jacob visits various points in the timeline, affecting and shaping events in order to make sure things lead up to the moment where the Lostie "A-team" rolls in to save the day?
I agree- I think it's strange that we didn't get a lot of answers to really substantial questions about the dharma last season, but they're moving on. I mean, the Dharma is kinda the least of my worries, but still.
ReplyDelete...I keep giggling at "let's never speak of it again." :)