Beginning as a 2002 series of shorts from BBC2, it didn't start airing in the US until 2005. Look Around You started to gain a cult following when Adult Swim aired 30-minute episodes starting in January 2009. The DVD of series one was released July 2010.
As an American, some of the humor is a bit opaque. These are faithful recreations of 1970's-style ITV educational programming from Britain, filled with a swirl of absolute nonsense. It's funny because they're wrong.

In a way, this show might make you stupider! The nonsense science seems destined to make someone look like a fool, by talking about stuff they don't know anything about. But, hopefully it will inspire viewers to learn a little more about the subjects, if only so they understand why the jokes are funny.
A dry British series full of obscure references is not for everyone. But, if you have a bit of a geek mind, and an appreciation for the surreal, Look Around You is worth a try.

Don't tell anyone you heard it from me, but you can download a copy of episode one "Maths" right here.
Clips and promos are available on adultswim.com
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