One such mystery is the construction project from season three that Sawyer & Kate were forced to work on. They spent days breaking rocks and clearing debris. In the final episode of season three, Juliet reveals to Sawyer that the project was a runway. But what was the runway for? "For the aliens," says Juliet. "I don't know what for, do you think they told me everything?"
Well, the answer has been revealed, but you may have missed it. That runway was constructed as a landing strip for Ajira 316! After the plane hits some turbulence, it seems to bounce through time briefly before ending up in 2007 right above the Hydra Island. The sharp eyed co-pilot spots a possible landing site, with barely enough time to put the plane down safely.

This shows just incredible planning - the runway is constructed in winter 2004 and Flight 316 doesn't crash until 2007! Somehow, someone knew that Jack, Kate, Hurley, et. al would be passing over and pulled them off the flight, while also making sure the rest of the travelers would have a safe place to land. Incredible foresight and planning, from some being who seems to know the past and the future. Someone orchestrating many of the events we see in the series. Someone named...Jacob. It's still unknown what his ulterior motives are. Can't wait for season six to reveal more answers! Meanwhile, don't forget that sometimes, the answers to your questions may be teased out of past episodes. What a great show! Read more!